Circular Economy 360 Video Series; Lysiane Serret, Envie Autonomie

07 Dec 2022, 17:37

  • Support
  • Circular Economy

Welcome to the third of our Circular Economy 360 Video Series featuring Lysiane Serret of Envie Autonomie, brought to you in partnership with Zero Waste Scotland. In this series SIS Associate Naomi Johnson speaks with inspiring leaders from around the world to find out their amazing experiences within the Circular Economy sector.

With NHS budgets under constant pressure and increased efficiency often being sought, I was really looking forward to my interview with Lysiane Serret of Envie Autonomie.

Lysiane is the regional director of Envie Autonomie in the Northeast of France and graduated from Lorraine (France) and Vaasa (Finland) Universities 12 years ago in the fields of fragile people inclusion and project management. Since then, after some short foreign experiences in Europe, she has been working as a manager for a French recycling and social inclusion company: Envie Autonomie where her main duties are to identify potential partnerships, building strong networks and initiating economic activities to generate skilled jobs in the circular economy.

Envie Autonomie works across France to support the reuse of health equipment providing families and individuals with the resources they require to be supported at home during a time of need. Conceived primarily as a programme that could offer employment opportunities through the refurbishment of equipment, the programme has overcome a number of barriers to deliver across 11 locations.

As we heard in our Circular Economy 360 live sessions through the work of Redeem Exchange, the delivery to the health sector has brought challenges of scale and system flexibility. In addition, we note the extra responsibility around infection-control and key safety concerns, all of which help us to build a picture of the complexity involved in the projects of this type. While there are additional considerations, the opportunities are huge – and can reduce the NHS footprint, ensure equipment is not wasted and cut costs.

Crutches, walking aids, wheelchairs and mobility scooters are all items that can often be refurbished, and while are a number of organisations involved in this work there are still significant opportunities for growth. In the video Lysiane and I talk about their programme developed in France, the benefits it had to both carers and those in need, and in the creation of work and employment.

Once again our interview highlights how environmental and social objectives really do go hand-in-hand. Lysiane dreams about successful careers for their people, and works to raise skill levels among them. With this as her key motivation, the job requires optimism and creativity and we close this blog with her favourite sentence: “Every day is a chance, if not, the day after can be another one."

Lysiane Serret headshots (465 × 350 Px)

Lysiane Serret, Regional Director of Envie Autonomie

Lysiane Serret is regional director of Envie Autonomie based in the northeast of France. Having graduated from Lorraine (France) and Vaasa (Finland) Universities in both fields of fragile people inclusion and project management, she travelled Europe before joining French recycling and social inclusion company, Envie Autonomie.

Her key duties are to build a strong network, identify potential partnerships and initiate economic activities to generate skilled jobs in the circular economy. Lysiane particularly appreciates innovation in up-cycling and the repair of devices to deliver conscious models aligned to a new national mission – Envie Autonomie: innovating in refurbishing medical equipment to improve French health system equity and scale up in useful job creation.