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Investment Readiness Tool
Investment Readiness Tool
Step 1 of 7
Social Impact
Question 1
Does your organisation have a clear vision for change and the impact you are trying to achieve?
We have a vision in place but it is not necessarily fully agreed and understood, inside or outside the organisation. Actual delivery and impact is not proven yet.
We have a vision in place and it’s understood inside and outside the organisation. It is not widely used and our impact is still to be proven.
We are well established, have an agreed vision and articulation of the impact we want to achieve. We have already started to effectively deliver against this vision but we don’t have it reviewed by anyone independently.
We regularly review our vision, mission and objectives, and Board and staff are all aware and signed up to them. We can point to sustained delivery against, and review of, our ongoing mission. It is shared externally.
Question 2
What methods does your organisation use to measure impact?
We do not have a formal method in place to track our impact.
We have systems to measure our impact and we track certain key indicators throughout the year. At the moment we measure impact mostly in terms of outputs (numbers) achieved rather than trying to measure our outcomes.
We have a method developed internally which helps us to capture outputs and longer term outcomes. We periodically carry out analysis to try to capture our longer term impact.
We use an established and externally developed Social Impact methodology which is fully embedded in our overall organisational systems. We routinely track outputs, outcomes and impact and can report on our impact and achievement against mission in real time.
Question 3
How do you ensure that the information you capture and report about your social impact is verified?
We don't routinely collect information about our organisational impact.
We feel that our internal processes to capture information are robust, but no-one inside or outside the organisation ever “audits” them.
We have systems in place internally to review and audit information to ensure it is being captured fully and accurately. Also some external scrutiny occurs – funders / contract holders require strong audit trails to be in place and do sometimes carry out checks.
Our Social Impact methodology routinely involves scrutiny and verification from an independent external body.
Question 4
How do you report on your achievements and impact?
We don't publish a document such as annual social impact report but we report to funders and others to satisfy their requirements.
We report our impact in our annual financial accounts and to funders when requested. We occasionally use social media and undertake PR activity.
We usually produce an annual report which contains information and clear data about our achievements. This reports on individual projects rather than trying to assess overall impact. We periodically use social media and undertake PR activity.
We always produce an annual report which has clear statements about our performance and the social impact we feel we are achieving. We share it with stakeholders, publicly and promote it widely. We fully utilise regular social media, PR activity.
Question 5
To what extent are your staff, volunteers and Board involved in the discussion on and reporting of social impact?
The subject of social impact is not discussed regularly within the team/board. Generally when carried out, one member of staff or the CEO will report, when requested by a funder or investor.
At least annually, the subject is discussed within the team and features within Board meetings when requested. Monitoring and reporting is the responsibility of a specific individual and this function is documented within their job specification. Few understand the differences between outputs and outcomes.
Social impact features regularly across the year in team and Board meetings. All team members are aware of its importance and most understand outputs and outcomes. There is a wider team responsibility for collecting and collating data although one member of staff has ultimate responsibility for reporting.
Social impact is at the heart of the culture of the organisation and reporting features just as highly as financial performance in all team and Board meetings. If asked any member of the organisation including board members could articulate the story of the difference we make. We have a dedicated social impact reporting team or individual.
Question 6