Circular Economy 360 plus - Adapting to Changing Legislation
25 May 2023, 10:00 - 11:00
- Online
- Circular Economy
Our Circular Economy 360 Plus series is for ambitious social enterprise leaders looking to help shape their plans to support people and planet.
Across four online sessions we will have input from expert speakers and thought leaders to help shape your knowledge and understanding of policy and legislation, consumer and retail thinking, partnership development, and implementation.
In session two we will be hearing from experts about different approaches to adapting to changing legislation. What are the opportunities and challenges this creates and how can you be prepared?
In this session we are joined by:

Eric Randall - Director of Recycling, Bryson Recycling
Eric is Director of Bryson Recycling (
- Over 30 years’ of experience in recycling
- Awarded MBE in 2006 for “Services to Waste Management
- Since 1992 he has led the social enterprise, Bryson Recycling, the leading provider in Northern Ireland, also making inroads in Wales
- Became a serial entrepreneur who started his career in 1989 with cooperative, Bradford Waste Chasers
- Degree in Environmental Sciences, Bradford University
- Masters in Business Administration, University of Ulster, Jordanstown

Lucy Danger - Chief Executive at EMERGE 3Rs
Lucy Danger has led the EMERGE Group from its inception in 1996, as a voluntary pressure group, to its unique position as a leading Social Enterprise. EMERGE provides services which help to improve the environment and the relief of poverty through food, work, and recycling activities. During the past 25 years they have been a pioneer in household kerbside collections and now operate commercial recycling services, a wood recycling enterprise and run Fareshare Greater Manchester as a partner with Fareshare.